,, Identifying Military Personnel: Decoding Serial Numbers, Reconstructing the Past Part II: The National Personnel Record Center Fire of 1973, 75th Anniversary of the First Veterans Day Celebration and Free Access to Fold3 on Veterans Day Weekend. Abandoned US military bases in Vietnam - Abandoned Spaces I asked my brother many times about his experiences while at Udorn. Brave Warriors, Humble Heroes by Marjorie T. Hansen | Vietnam Veterans For us that were stationed at Ubon (I was stationed at Ubon for 3 years and Korat for 6 months), heres a VERY important document: Project CHECO Base Defenses in Thailand: newsletters, photo collections, and remembrance lists for Phan Rang Air Base Dates of service: (actual or approximate) USAF 35th Air Police Squadron, Phan Rang, Vietnam TDY to the 3rd APS at Bin Ha Airfield (end of January 1968 - mid March 1968) During the month of February, 1968 North Vietnamese Army regulars aided by 'irregulars' (Viet Cong) attempted to take over or destroy the Air Base at Bin Halocated in the II VA denied my DIC claim (no boot on the Vietnam land and no evidence of herbicides during duties). One of the maps, however, has a list of bases. My brother, David Chavira Jr, was a US Air Force communications specialist who served at Udorn AFB from 1969 to 1970. Not sure what happened over there but it has effected him for a lifetime, apparently. we were within feet of the perimeter not yards, Was TDY in May of 72 to Takhli from Holloway AFB. I was in Life Support, maintained all equipment used by pilots. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. I was at Ubon RTAFB, December 1969 December 1970, 8th Combat Support Group (PACAF) 408th Munitions Maintenance Squadron (MMS). I was diligent, forthright and honest with my Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. I am just now contacting an advocate to see what steps I should take about making a claim. I was at u-tapio with V-49 May Nov 1968. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? Battle of Phuoc Long; Part of the Vietnam War: Date: December 12, 1974 - January 6, 1975: Location The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. Thankfully, he is still around. Fire Control Specialist on AC-130A/AC-130H Gunships. That was my base camp, but I hauled supplies to almost every other base in Thailand. s/ pete This too was patrolled by K-9 units. I was in the 48th AML (10 Avn Div., helicopters) which was attached to the 101st. I started with tremors in 2015 and saw Neurologists at the So. During my TDY, we were at the perimeter of Utapao daily with the aircraft preparing for each trip and return. Was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from May 68 to May 69. The homecoming ceremony at RAAF Richmond on 31August 2009 was a momentous occasion for Squadron Veterans. I finally caught up with our Rosegarden group about a year ago and attended my first reunion in May of 2022. But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! I had to enlist the aid of my Congressman because up to then the VA kept rejecting my claims. Later moved to barracks next to gunship barracks. Once little more than a provincial airfield, the base expanded to 2350 acres (95 1 hectares) with two 10.000 ft (3048 m) asphalt runways with concrete touchdown pads, parallel taxiways, and a heliport. Phan Rang: The Air Base at Phan Rang was originally built by Australian and British POW's under the Japanese and the Japanese used the Air Field throughout WW II. Nearly 11 million liters of Agent Orange were handled on the base. Jerry is seen directing traffic from the control tower and training a loc. and Good luck! Stationed in Supply in what was then NORS Control Called all over the world for high priority parts for those flying machines had on base. I was tdy to Nam and Laos. I was in the 311th Air Commando Sq/311th Special Ops Sq July 68 to July 69 as a Loadmaster on C-123Ks, SSgt. Health Care The story we were told was that they would ship the planes over in crates and he and others would assemble them over there. Shortly after he arrived at Phan Rang, the base began closing down. I was a surveyor in Vietnam and if my memory is correct I surveyed the Pham Rang air strip in 1966. I know that Udorn was classified as a front line facility. They were always spraying something. bang pla thailand. He was K.I.A. The station facilities are located near the base of rugged jungle-clad mountains to the west. I am aware the war cutoff was May 7, 1975, how does that work for me if I arrived on the 11th, and probably still got exposed to AO. He was denied. Phan Rang, Vietnam. I was there in 1970 with the 35th Security Police. Stationed with the 5th RRU Det D in Nung Sung Thailand , 1966, 67 U.S. Army lived in tents several miles from Udorn Airbase. He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. Couldnt your hand in front of your face! Im asking for help in this matter. Thanks for any info. I was born after he came home to Tallahassee, FL so never knew him before his deployment obviously but apparently he came back with some issues that he didnt have before. we could see some action over VN. I left the service 12/76. 1st signal brigade 442nd signal battalion company c. i would like to see a full recognition of our service as full vietnam war veterans, but i don,t think i will ever see it. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. Thank You. The style is literary nonfiction. If he was stationed in Vietnam, a base name or Corps (I, II, III or IV) area: During my time there I was an aircraft electrician on the F-105 and EB-66. Phan Rang beach. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. vulnerable and weak. Hes applied 3 times for VA disability and 3 times denied. Just applied for AO complications.. Thank you for your service! Was assigned to 432 AMS. I was a mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer on a Kaman HH43B. In my case, it went back to my late husbands date of death. Sleeping on the old army cots with air mattresses was not comfortable. I transferred to the VA clinic in St. George, UT. This past year, I had my mitral heart valve repaired due to 40% back-flow. Worked flight line and phase docks, at trim pad frequently. Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. Reply to Kimberly Smith. We had to disembark in Vietnam for the refueling. It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. I have had heart problems and headache with some minor kidney issues. Looking for anyone from 83 84. Member names and photographs compiled from the Group "Phan Rang AB, Vietnam (Happy Valley)" Facebook pages. I was tdy all over Thailand, I dont have any pictures or anything that I can provide evidence of AO, I cant even remember the camp name. I remember how fast everything turned brown and the strong smell that lasted a few days. La tribune, jeudi 27 dcembre 2018 | BAnQ - Only e4 n above were exempt or guys transfer in. I have had a lung condition for many years thats progressively growing worse and has most recent diagnosis is emphysema. During my tour, we would get called out to check the sensors located around the perimeter if there was a problem with one of the units. It was not an ideal situation for my introduction to Phan Rang Air Base. I am so sick and tired of this mess.My CAD is getting much worse now.. On 22 Dec 1966 Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt announced that No 2 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force would be sent to Vietnam from their base in Malaysia. PDF "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB, Vietnam keeping the memories alive Look up stuff like Ubon RTAFB. And Bangkok . One was brought down by a surface-to-air missile from which the crewmen one of whom was the squadron commander, Wing Commander Frank Downing safely ejected and were rescued via helicopter, and another was lost during a bombing run around Da Nang. I only have a couple of pictures from that time. My late brother Thomas David Coovert took care of the F100s there, and was at Da Nang before that, during his first tour taking care of the F4 Phantoms. Please contact me. He has Parkinsons now and I need more information. I was looking for anyone assigned to Udorn 432nd, 14th TRS between 1/1971-1/1972. He was there during the Tet Offensive which was scary but he came home safely. I was commander of A Troop, 2-1 Cav and when I changed command in Aug 1969, I was sent to Phan Rang AB to await my orders back to the U.S. On the day I arrived at the Air Base, after about a 30 mile Jeep ride from our Firebase, I got to the Main Gate of the AB which was closed & locked because of an attack on another part of the base, & the Air Force Guards wouldnt unlock the gate for me to get inside. The Navy P3 Orions operated off the same ramp as the C-130 SCOOT airlift. I also worked on the flight line working on the AC-130s but the VA didnt care one bit.. yesterday i received my summery of case with a flat denial on my second appeal.. I Michael E Schellerer was a B-52 D crew chief on 0100 and others witch later on ended up in Guam on a pedestal at the entrance to GUAM AFB. Evidently you do not realise that the Australian Canberra Bombers were stationed at the Phan Rang Air Base, during the Vietnam War, RAAF 2 Sqn had several thousand serviceman during that war and my Husband was one of them, he served 1970-71. The majority of the fuel can from Bangkok in 3170 gallon trucks. Anybody else having trouble? Have photos of hutches we stayed in but va claims they could be from any base. Lived in the old barracks with no windows just screen. i WAS IN THE ARMY IN THAILAND FROM 1967/68 AND WAS STATION IN KORAT, UDON, AND BANGKOK AND HAVE BEEN DENIED DISABILITY FOR AGENT ORANGE . Also Served in Vietnam 1971-1972. My brother David Chavira Jr was an Air Force communications specialist who was posted at Udorn from 1969 to 1970. We were told to be off the base by sundown of the day the base was turned over to the Vietnamese Air Force. Walt, your father or even you should consider joining our Phan Rang AB FB group and he might even be able to reconnect with some old friends and we also have an annual reunion. Not much help I realize, but wanted to add my .02 cents along with offering my greetings to all you comrade Thai Vets. [22], A No. I worked Hill 260 at Takhli. . Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. Since had constant health issues including quadruple bypass and skin issues. ANY ONE STATIONED OR KNOW ANYONE , AT US ARMY TROPO , SCATTER SITE COMPOUND , ABOUT 12 MILES NOTH OF KHON KAEN , NE THAILAND FEBAPRIL 1968, IT WAS . I will pursue compensation; however, the posts above are not encouraging for a successful outcome. Kidney cancer discovered in 2001 Right kidney removed. My first base assignment after tech school was Eglin assigned to the 33rd TFW, MMS. I served at Udon, Thailand from 1967 to 1968 in the engine shop. You are fully Mike passed away on August 5th of this yr. from Metastatic cancer which is on the Agent Orange list.hope everyone will get the help you need, we need better congressmen and women who will fight for us! If anyone was there and worked with me or knew me get in touch with me through my email [emailprotected]. After his discharge, David was adamant about not disclosing the nature of his duties, citing a written and signed document that prevented him from doing so. Nevada VA hospital. AO is killing us slowly from the inside. I understand the rules on this site prohibiting direct contact between vets posting here, however, I belong to several Facebook groups dedicated to vets who served in Thailand, including one specifically for personnel who were based at NKP. I do have a DD 214. First 7 months I ran our 12 bed ward and the last 5 months I worked in the ER. I was with the 331st Supply Company. So he traveled through the gate daily. 3 men in my family served in S.E.A. We flew over Cambodia locating transmitters of the Khmer Rouge during their invasion of Phnom Penh. Does anyone remember this? Stationed at 442 Signal Battalion (LL) Warin Thailand in 1970 as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. Would like to hear from other Airmen as to what exposure they have had and what medical conditions they have. Crazy stuff as I was back and forth on their base on a daily basis. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. After a year there I was able to get transferred to Operation Deep Freeze (the Navy tri-service Task Force 43 which supported the science program in Antarctica) as Technical Editor of the Antarctic Journal of the United States After the Task Force was transferred to the Seabee center at Davisville, RI, I was assigned to the Office of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation. I have had bladder cancer. this was due to previous agent orange spraying. TE 5560). I also have tried to get claim but getting denied. Public outcry and official investigations followed. Dont give up keep fighting for our rights and benefits. Had some great guys in our hootch . I was stationed at Utapao in 1972-73 and Korat and Ubon in 73-74. It was like he knew something was going to happen to him. R diagnosed to Multiple System Atrophy in 2011 Does anyone recall specialists like me flown in for TDY on complex Voodoo repairs? He always told me to keep all of his military papers. I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. My late husband was in Udorn Thailand in1968-1969. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. Yet I still languish on appeal. Phan was busy preparing for a pending visit of the Thai Foreign Minister, who would stop in London after some business at the U.N. Ive been in remission from cancer since 12. Go to to purchase the entire video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos.This 60-minute DVD documents Air Force activities at Phan Rang Air Base between 1966 and 1970. F4 instrumentation. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 120th Tactical Fighter Squadron F-100C 54-1836 Phan Rang AB.jpg 600 413; 72 KB. I have a claim in for agent orange exposure. I was an F-4D crew chief at Union RTAFB from 1972-1973. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. Welcome home vets. There had been an attack in 1968 and they sprayed the base perimeter with AGENT ORANGE as a result. I check on many of them and what I could find all led back to Agent Orange issues. and the Wars in Indochina, To discover whether there were deployments beyond those listed, consulting the National Archives would be the place to start.National Archives and the Vietnam War, Ryan Moore, MA, MLS Traveled down to the beach for burgers, etc., at the snack bar,and out the gates to town (Newland). VA has given me my hearing aids. Dad died in April 2019. Pulled secret overseas supporting to CIA air operations out of Korat then Ubon AFB, Thailand doing bombing runs into Laosnumerous episodic exposures to jet fuel, persistent exposure to jet exhaust in the barracks, and regular exposure to Agent Orange. Would like to correspond with anyone that was there during that time period. As a supply sergeant, I was on the flight line and in the all the time. Assigned to the 635 combat support group The outer perimeter was sprayed with AO and I believe we started flying sorties to spray AO in Laos and Viet Nam. I got notified this month my claim was denied. I am going to see a kidney specialist in June to see if they are going to take one of my kidneys are put me on dialysis or both if anyone has proof of agent orange at this location please let me know. It was of interest to me to read the numerous stories by military personal who had a part in the operation of the Phan Rang Air Base. When ask why, she replied Im pregnant. Charles Covington (Marines) and James Covington (Navy). there was a sattahip underwater cable that was blown up during my year there and all communications from that were rerouted thru warin ics. If this statement were true, then AF soldiers who were on those planes would meet the boots on the ground test, which is the defining test for the Nehmer class members. Refine Your Search Vietnam Phan Rang Air Base 1969 stock footage and images - Showing 1 to 6 of 13247 results Sort by: (1) Sea of Japan (1) Seaoul Korea Kimpo Airfield (1) Seattle Washington USA (9) Senai New Guinea (2) Sendai Japan (1) philippines weather july. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. But I will take my hat off to the SeaBees. It had most of the women in the dorm in tears!!! Dont give up. I served in Thailand September 1964 to September 1965 as a member of 207th Signal Company achieving the rank of Sp4. Phan Rang Air Base was quickly expanded in 1965 to accommodate both United States and VNAF fighter and helicopter units. I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. This is a very sad state of affairs!!!! If it wasnt for that letter I think I would still be waiting for the VA to approve my claim. I, myself, have not suffered from exposure there, but several of my colleagues and good friends from that period have died from complications due to Agent Orange, and several others still fight the ongoing process of the exposure. need to look that up, here in CA we have County Veterans Services Officers, some are Very Good about telling you what to do, and filling out some paperwork, one I know, here in CA to fill out the form for CA DMV to have Vets added to your CA drivers license to prove you are a Vet for Vet Discounts !!! [14][15], Based at Phan Rang Air Base in Ninh Thuan province, the unit became part of the United States Air Force 35th Tactical Fighter Wing (35 TFW) and between April 1967 and June 1971,[16] the Canberras flew approximately 12,000 sorties. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. I was an aircraft mechanic/crew chief with 555TFS. I have a lot of the presumptive conditions but was also denied compensation. We stayed in concrete barracks. I know some history of it from locals and a few US VFW visitors, but I would be interested in anyone who remembers visiting this place back in the day. I served in Thailand in 1967 & 1968 at Camp Friendship adjacent to the Korat RTAF Base. With credentials, youll be invited to join. Delivered medical supplies throughout Thailand. Thanks. The 101st was on the west side with the Korean White Horse division. About this group. I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. I wondered why it didnt work on the mosquitos. I am a Vietnam vet 68-69 and asking for a friend of mine who was in Udorn from 71-72. he was in Vietnam for one week in Bien Hoa at the end of April 71 and he is looking for anyone who may have possibly been there as well. Ubon. our commo center was the largest and only link for all communications from vietnam into thailand they all came thur warin ics. I come from a family without heart issues. While at the Sacramento VA in December 2013, having receiving my laboratory test results, I was informed to drop by my VFW Veteran Service Officer (located on the first floor of the Sacramento VA) to file a VA Claim. I was then dropped off at work on petroblem tank farm which was used to transfer fuel to the air base next to camp friend ship. SWFObject. Charlie has so many of the same issues. Looks like I was exposed to Agent Orange while there. Will I get it, who knows? I just filed a claim for hypothyroidism due to agent orange. 22 A photograph of the base perimeter of Phan Rang Air Base at the time Have had skin problems plus. I have contacted an attorney. Air Force units closed operations 26 February 76. Have neuropathy in both feet. My father was stationed at Takhli from Jul 69-Jul 70. There is supposed to be a bill in Congress to cover everyone that was in Thialand, but it has not gone anywhere in years. Served on the LORAN station at Sattahip, Thailand. I request anyone with knowledge of what my brother did please share it with me. Donald Raymond Sandve? The Intelligence Officer from Vp49 in 1968 turned me on to our spot on the base. Looking for NKP 71-72 that knows a Steve Furches . Although I have acquired a variety of medical ailments over the years (heart issues, type 2 diabetes), I dont believe I had significant AO exposure related to my duties there, based on my reading of this. Maint, taking over from Ssgt Harry Helton. I was at UBON in 1965. We were taken by a truck. Was stationed at Utapao in 1970 and 71 and worked in the 635MMS Storage Section.I saw U-2s land and take off from UT as well as SR=71s.We also had munitions folks who were assigned to augmentee duty with the Security Forces.Had a guy named Bristol who was TDY to UT on the SRs pitch on our softball team for MMS.He played with us because his unit was to small to field a team.He was a super pitcher. unless clearly stated otherwise. Anyway. Washington, The 20th was deactivated in July 66and I was transferr to the 558th Heavy Equipment company. Please email me with any info, also any contact inf on LT Col Dillard or Lt Garry urbanowitz. It is located 5.2 miles (4.5 nmi; 8.4 km) north-northwest of Phan Rang - Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province . Hope this helps you out. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. (Thank You) in advance!! Do you know where I can find a conversion algorithm to get the old style into something new digital maps recognize? When the spray unit caught on fire there were 6 Thai people burn real bad. My husband (Arthur) worked in Bangkok, Thailand for Philco-Ford Communications and Satellite Division from 1967 to 1969. Years ago I enrolled in the Pennsylvania vets agent orange program (I assumed there was no exposure in Thailand but was TDY with the 366th MMS in Da Nang for a short period in 70, but again, I dont believe I had exposure to AO in that setting either). If he was assigned to a PPIF, he was at the end of the flight line which was very close to the perimeter at the very end of the base (runway 12 across from the Weapons Arm & Dis-Arm dump. But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. Not Union. Served with the 809th D company were classified (?). The base, predating the arrival of American forces, is depictedon the mapAmphoe Ta Klhi, Sheet 5060 I,AMS Series L708, which is shown below. I would really like to get any information on Bill Yetter. He has always had bronchitis with cough, hypertension, neuropathy and heart disease. I will never forget January 26, 1969 when the base perimeter was breached during a night time attack and the morning after. BachMa Mt has been excavated & they found the BloodChit Bobby had in his Flight jacket that day but no remains. Also when President Trump took office he made a big difference how the VA treated us Veterans.I will tell you not to give up and study up on how to file a claim. We ask them how long would it take them to erect a hootch for us.